Association of Exploration Geophysicists

AEG Honours & Awards

The Association of Exploration Geophysicists started AEG Awards coinciding with the first International Seminar that was organised during the year 1991 in Hyderabad. So far 20 Scientists were awarded the AEG award.

The AEG award is given to a scientist for his/her distinguished contribution to the cause of earth sciences and in particular geophysics. During 1991, the awardees were elected by a large cross section of geoscientists from the different organisations in our country. Since 1992, AEG awardees nominated the recipient of the award for the subsequent years.

In addition to the AEG Award, AEG is honouring distinguished geoscientists in annual seminars since 1992. The AEG Honour is conferred to geoscientists who have contributed to the cause of earth sciences, in particular geophysics.

AEG Awards

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