Student Chapter Guidelines FORMING A STUDENT CHAPTER in a Recognised University

Student Chapters at educational institutions provide an excellent means of furthering both the professional and academic goals. Within the academic program, a Student Chapter provides the unifying organizational structure, and gives the added distinction of professional affiliation, affording greater stature to both the students and the academic program.

In addition to regular meetings, typical Chapter activities range from hosting Industrial Speakers, attending Scientific lecturers, and graduate seminars to sponsoring and career promotion exhibits while Association of Exploration Geophysicists (AEG) organises the annual seminars/work-shops/conventions.  Student Chapter members also engage in fund-raising activities and sponsor social events thereby renew contacts with past graduates, assist in developing industry support, and provide opportunities for making potential employment contacts.


The following steps must be followed to establish a Student Chapter:

  1.  Five or more Student members in an Educational Institution should have interest in forming a Student Chapter.
  • The students contact a faculty – member, who agrees to serve as Chapter Advisor.
  • The student members and Advisor may send a written request for approval to form a Chapter to the Secretary, Association of Exploration Geophysicists (AEG).
  • Secretary, AEG after discussing in their Executive Committee and reply to the Chapter Advisor.
  • Having received the Association’s approval, the student members may form the Student Officers.
  • The list of Student Officers (with complete names addresses, phone, fax, and e-mail), and the list of Charter Student Chapter members are forwarded to the Secretary, AEG.
  • A Student Chapter Certificate is prepared by the Central Office and sent to the Chapter Officers.


The following constitutional guidelines must be adhered to during forming Student Chapter:

  1. The Student Chapter may not conflict with those of AEG in which the Chapter resides or strictly follows the Bylaws of the parent Society, that is AEG.
  •  Student Chapters shall have student officers, and the Student Chapter Bylaws must require a senior faculty member – professor or Assistant Professor to serve as Chapter Advisor. Further, the Chapter Advisor must be Life member of the Association of Exploration Geophysicists.
  • All the Student Officers – President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Joint – Secretary, should be the Student Members of AEG and should be either II year or Final year students of respective PG courses.
  • An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the student members in attendance, and the Chapter Advisor in case of a tie vote, shall be required to amend, repeal, or in any way alter the Bylaws of a Student Chapter.
  • In case of unanimous election of Student Officers, the names of the elected students should be forwarded to Secretary, AEG who in turn recognises the Affiliation – STUDENT CHAPTER BHU Varanasi
  • Student Chapters must hold at least one meeting per year to retain their authorization under the supervision of Chapter Advisor. Open meetings are authorized and encouraged.
  • Student Chapters shall forward minutes of the Student Chapter meetings to the Chapter Advisor who in turn forward the same to AEG Central Office, Hyderabad.
  • Student Chapters may submit their recommendations, opinions, and actions taken to the Chapter Advisor for consideration by the Parent Association (AEG).


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