Association of Exploration Geophysicists

AEG started publication of the JAEG in 1980. The JAEG is a quarterly Journal and is currently in its XXXVI volume.

The Journal attracts scientific papers from a large number of earth science institutions in India and abroad. Since inception of the Association more than 3000 papers were presented in the Annual seminars of the association. In addition, research papers were also received directly for publication in the journal. After rigorous reviewing process by experts in India and abroad, so far 760 papers have been published between July, 1980 and January 2015. Over 1000 copies of each issue of the Journal are circulated to AEG members and subscribers in India and abroad.

AEG invites Papers from scientists as per the guidelines of Journal of Geophysics. Original scientific contributions are encouraged and invited. Review articles are discouraged. Authors are requested to send two hard copies and a floppy formatted for IBM compatibles/email of the text of the paper in any of the MS Word/Word perfect/Word Star versions.

AEG welcomes organizations and earth science institutions to advertise their products and services in the JAEG. For details regarding Advertisement Tariff, the advertisers are requested to correspond with Secretary, AEG on Email:

Contents of 2024

Contents of 2023

Contents of 2019

Contents of January, 1998 - Vol. XIX No.1

Contents of April, 1998 - Vol. XIX No.2

Contents of July, 1998 - Vol. XIX No.2

Contents of October, 1998 - Vol. XIX No.4

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