Association of Exploration Geophysicists

Year of Publication : 1997
ISBN 90 6164 132 2
AEG Publication No.: 36
ITC Publication No. : 48
Number of Pages : 160
Illustrations : 102 (41 colour)
Book Size : 21.8 cm x 28.0 cm
Price : Rs. 1000/- + Rs.100*
US$ 100 + 10* (abroad)
* Postage and packing

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Exploration, Geoscience and Airborne Geophysics: Building the Dynamic Atlas
– Colin V. Reeves

A Review of Modern Airborne Geophysical Techniques
– Ian Cook, Tom Ridsdill-Smith and Paul Roocke

Technical Advances in Deep Penetration Airborne Electromagnetics
– Steve Thomson

The Role of the National Geophysical Research Institute in the Development of Airborne Geophysics in India
– H.V. Ram Babu and Ch. Rama Rao

Aerogravity Surveying System: A Highly Effective Exploration Tool
– William R. Gumert

Advances in Commercial Software for High-Volume Geophysical Data
– Ian N. MacLeod and Greg M. Hollyer

Status of Airborne Geophysical Surveys: The Role of the Geological Survey of India
– V. Natarajan and S.N. Anand

Aeromagnetic Surveys in India by the National Remote Sensing Agency : A Review
– M. Suryanarayana, A. Bhattacharya and M.V.V. Kamaraju

Indian Magnetic Mapping Project – An Attempt at Aeromagnetic Data Assembly for India in the Global Context
– K. Bahuleyan

Giving New Life to Old Data: 50 years of Airborne Geophysics on View
– Norman R. Paterson

Development of Airborne Geophysical Techniques for Uranium Resources Assessment in India : A Review
– S.N. Kak, C.L. Bhairam and K.K. Dwivedy

Aeromagnetics Applied to Gold Exploration in Australia and India
– Shanti Rajagopalan

Airborne Geophysics in Hydrocarbon Exploration: Ongc’s Achievements and Perspectives
– V. Ramaswamy, R. Kumar, F. Dotiwala and A.K. Srivastava

State Benefits of a Government-funded Airborne Exploration Initiative – South Australia
– Terry N. Crabb

Some Salient Results of 30 Years of Airborne Geophysical Activity at NGRI
– V. Babu Rao

A Review of Aeromagnetic Gradiometry and its Application to Diamond Exploration
– J.D.H. Sumpton, D.R. Cowan, M. Baigent and S. Cowan

Better Applications of Airborne Radiometrics
– R.J. Smith and V. Vorobyev